Saturday, January 17, 2009

Sculpture Architecture: Herzog and De Meuron

Skyscraper with 57 levels that seams like a huge block constructed with Lego's will we located at the 56th Leonard street and which include 145 residences. It has been planned to be built in a 2 year lapse, the approximately cost of each apartment will be between 3.5 millions to 33 millions. Each one of those will have fine luxury details and outside private spaces.
The different levels of the building rotate from its central point and from then each
block(spaces) is irregularly disposed which cause every level to be different.
The area of the land in which will be constructed is 12954 square meters.


Here is an abstraction of a locust I did for second semester. It resumed all it characteristics and functionality.


May be a way to decor the form, could be away to even hide it. Textures give character to a architectural proyect it is the 2D art capturing the essence for what is made. Textures in architecture might be solutions to many or the main solution to the problems to solve. Textures can give to the inside of the building the adequate climate or light filter.

Most of the time texture tend to higher the price of a proyect, but textures can also be solved by the constrast between commun materials used for the purpose, leting materials to be "naked" to show. Might be a good solution to put a ver rasp material to a very smoth one in a dinnig room for example that way we can bring a little controled outside to the inside.

Talking again about textures, it is the main element in abstract art and also the theam but the good or bad an abstract art is to a naked eye is fundamentally about the texture. To illustrate art has to put the more posible 3D in a 2d so it can also create the ART and not just a cover up of the fabric.

This is anoter fact that related arts and scupture to architecture and one more reason they had been always related.