Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Architectural Future

Green development and friendly to the environment, green designs, efficient construction and green cities are what our "development" has to be if we want to live in this planet for some more centuries.

Green designs taking the market futuristic architecture is to bond ecosystems with human systems in armory which is natural, strong concept and it reveals to us the environment for which evolution design us through centuries.

It is not a complicated see the future due to the unsustainable lifestyle we carry. Green designs are it. Some view a future where people live in module a parting even more the specie from nature, going one step forward to being like robots.

Green designs are revolutionary... for our way of life, for construction, for the environment, for the economy let’s say for the way we are organized, destroying our environment is not a superfual problem it is a deep, deep problem.

Green designs are everything to make the building self sustainable and help the ecosystems around develop, that is truly a revolutionary concept. Green designs are mainly organic forms and in the exterior surfaces are cover up with little plants or they come flowing out, a green design is transparent to let the light go through the building but also very comforting and safe controlled environment for humans so that way it is not like some think it will be living in the jungle instead is incorporating some of our natural environment in to our controlled and safe which we can share with some other form of life.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Integration and eficiency

Architecture is our way of adapting the environment to us. To this concept we should add that after adapting the environment we should integrate with it.

In our cities we see a substantial difference between it and the nature (if not destroyed) around.

The task for society and architects specifically is to move to a integrational thought of the place to live with the ecosystem. Architecture has now more than ever to ripe a part, to turn 180° to look forward to live in an already created by nature ecosystem without damaging it.

Humans as a part of nature cannot live as we do today (it is not natural), we are a piece of the great machine call earth and do to the separation of the process we are creating our own and as that happens the earth is in danger of losing theirs which has been a home to various types of life.

Ecosystems and people. Higher cities surrounded by jungle, one building one city, a great building, cities communicated by speed trains, energy from huge solar panels outside the city-building, designs of places not edifications, one hole great building for a sustainable future.

As this will happened if we make it through the global warming, humans are beginning to change our conduct towards the only known planet that we can live.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Green Architecture

As the world is going through a speeded up heating process, architecture has many fields of action in this issue for the worst or the better.

Designing a building self sustainable, with clean energy, with biomass that can support the environment and solve the necessities of people; it’s a pretty difficult task but it takes consciousness to make it happen.

Construction is one of the mayor issues in global warming; it’s very big consumer of natural resources and it waste a big percentage of what it consumes. The task is not simple in this field but in labor we can do a lot, recycling wood, recycling transitorily usage material etc.

The surface buildings are very inefficient in most cases.
Surface can be used as a energy provided or a space
to have green biomass helping to the cooling system
of the building.

Another important part of the green architecture is the design. Green has given to architecture a new amazing concept that is to integrate green biomass to the building design. It gives to the building contact with the environment, as we must leave opened spaces for the green biomass the building is also given some transparency, structure come to sight and the building form turns irregular very far from monotony.

Green architecture could be consider as the top of the modern movement, the organically forms, the regular forms combined create a like optimums very consistent forms.

Cities in forests or little forest in cities can be distinguished very easily by it contrasting forms and the whole nature of both; the buildings and nature. Green architecture can bring continuity to the city and nature; it can have a controlled ecosystem without taking plants and trees instead comminuting them with the building.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Structure as an sculpture

One of the best and easiest things to make a good preliminary project is to consider how to design the structure. It becomes functional interesting and without much effort you can combine the fundamental characteristics of architecture.

Designing a structure has to be a way to get a sort of a sculpture in order to make it accessible to people.

Structure with it combines solid and voids, texture, knots, transparency, illumination and repetition. Essential characteristics to consider.
Structures are a very big problem when it comes to building or designing because there are other things to consider like the main installations and building systems, a well manage structure could let all and every one of installations so they could be visible, playing with the colours of the electrical cable or contrasting the pipes of water from the walls.

Structure in a building is what makes the building, in the structures are all the forces of static fighting together, structure should be visible in most of the projects that means that the whole building is showing itself how it is and utility installations have to be design to make a well manage structural project.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Fundamentals Architecture Characteristics

Transparency, to blur, caps,
tension, to perforate,
solid and void, gravity,

nature, wrapping, suspend,
illumination, repetition,
and knot.

So far the most important and influential characteristics a preliminary design should combine.

These are keywords for architecture, in these and few others architecture as an art and sculpture can be summarized. To understand the architectural meaning of these words sometimes we have to be very intuitive because some are based on the physiques of each person, but we can always describe them generally...


Most of time has relation with the exterior, but it also has to be with all parts of the building as one. Transparency is letting a little bit of the inside... out. It is the cover up of the building might be the texture it has or the light filter system.
Structure as the soul of the building, when it is reached by transparency reaches the maximum degree of development.

Blurring/ To Blur.

Unconsciously it brings to our minds the blur building by diller and scofidio. Though might be excellent to get an idea, blurring a building is elegant makes elegant the building, it is almost like a very well thinked hide of parts or spaces which makes the building more interesting.
Blurring also gives cont
inuity to the form, it is a transition from one form to another much more dispare, more like a blur.
Transition is important when it comes to blurring as an architectural issue, it shows the process and it is capable to have a deep meaning.


The most interesting architectural characteristic, if
it´s known how to be used can create interesting displays of solutions to potentially any problem. It´s hard to used but when it is controlled, the caps can be combined with everyone of the above essential architectural characteristics.

Irregularity, movement, harmony, marking the above and under of the project, different views, unsuspected, are things that caps can make. Caps can often be made of a one massive whole form instead of making them as a one single elements on the others one single elements. Caps can be taken of a whole form just by making some long voids and repeating as much as needed. It does not take away continuity but it adds some attention to it and takes away monotony.


It could be a force that fights in the form to bring something out or that it is already out and fighting with the other form. To make this effect the forms have to be of the same nature to not be looked at like two different ones rather then that it has to be very funded one in another.

Tension is one
of the most useful ways to make an architectural project a sculpture.

To perforate

Essentially voids. To do an architectural perforation is to have the intuition where to put them, but also has to be functional.
As perforation goes on the form it often also gives texture or makes caps. Perforation gives a more artistic treatment to the form.

Solid and Voids

Related directly to the first fase of the preliminary project, solid and voids make the art is to sculpture the form, solid and voids come with the first idea of the project. The more solid and voids, the more interesting the project is.
Exercise with mental forms making solids and voids will make very interesting and differents projects in the future.


Related to the materials used and the way there are put together. Gravity in architecture isn´t the weight of something instead i
s the way the forms, parts and materials are bonded to make the form.


Artificially in urban places and natural in the country. Organic forms are a way to bring nature into the building but nature in a building means more about spaces and functionality.


Has nothing to be with the functionality. It is about the form, organic forms. Wrapping brings continuity to the whole form, usually when a form is being wrapped the final result is a heavy form and massive.


It is the opposite of gravity. Materials used are very important. When architectural suspension is used the result can be interesting irr
egularity in the design. Suspension can be also a result of voids and intersections which makes more interesting design.
Suspension to be applied need to think out of boundaries. It is the opposite of gravity so it is not usual that by suspension needs to be thinked in a different way.


This just has to be with spaces, interior and a little bit of textures. Illumination is what makes a project have a good or evil nature. Textures are used to filter light that the way they are related, light and spaces are almost the same thing. Light can hide and seek for spaces. The most important thing about light like an architectural tool is that can drive attention.


Often it is misunderstood as a group of the same parts. The interesting thing about repetition is to have elements of the same nature that are bonded to create interesting moving effects. Repetition is very functional also because it can be a element of design for useful things that need to be a lot of time in a project due to the functionality of this element, like a light post.


It is the final result the first idea should reach. The knot applied well is an abstract sculpture itself. The knot is where the forms begin and then they are displayed.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

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Monday, January 19, 2009

Sculpture Architecture: UN Studio

This Amsterdam firm is a network of specialists in architecture, urban development and infrastructure.

Architecture arts and abstract sculpture are combined here to create this monumental very functional buildings. The process before the final result is developed as art as an sculpture. In UN Studio i think they at first come up with very simple ideas, things you have in mind. It is evident the artist nature of this projects.

They have this complex unique artistic treatment, that way they can end up with forms that you can sink in, which are never boring rather they are so many ways of understanding it. The whole building becomes Architecture.

There is also a thing to mention is the function of the building goes in direct relation with the type of forms and art they used, the relation is so accurate that even makes the construction or building work better.

Although the result in UN Studio is spectacular i am amazed by the process, simple ideas turn in to artistic and functional buildings, it is indeed a excellent example of what the point of the blog is.
Relating Architecture with abstract art and sculpture.

Abstract Art

I´ll try for a minute to understand abstract art, be able to express art in a certain way that it becomes a journey through discovering it´s meaning. It is Known about the psychology of colour, which is crucial to abstract art, there is also the texture the form this other things get.

Does abstract art is a irregular randomly painting in to some sort of fabric or is it a regularly thinked structured art?
I hate to get to the same conclusion everytime but, it is a combination of very well thinked meaning expressed with a very carefull technique in which feelings and thoughts are put in the fabric in a apparently non detailed way but when you look the whole it can be distinguished something more objective. That way in abstract art i think there is always the choice of how to look at it.

However the most crucial think in abstract art is the technique, without knowing the meaning of this type of art with a good technique it can keep us trapped in to this world of colours and materials.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Sculpture Architecture: Herzog and De Meuron

Skyscraper with 57 levels that seams like a huge block constructed with Lego's will we located at the 56th Leonard street and which include 145 residences. It has been planned to be built in a 2 year lapse, the approximately cost of each apartment will be between 3.5 millions to 33 millions. Each one of those will have fine luxury details and outside private spaces.
The different levels of the building rotate from its central point and from then each
block(spaces) is irregularly disposed which cause every level to be different.
The area of the land in which will be constructed is 12954 square meters.


Here is an abstraction of a locust I did for second semester. It resumed all it characteristics and functionality.


May be a way to decor the form, could be away to even hide it. Textures give character to a architectural proyect it is the 2D art capturing the essence for what is made. Textures in architecture might be solutions to many or the main solution to the problems to solve. Textures can give to the inside of the building the adequate climate or light filter.

Most of the time texture tend to higher the price of a proyect, but textures can also be solved by the constrast between commun materials used for the purpose, leting materials to be "naked" to show. Might be a good solution to put a ver rasp material to a very smoth one in a dinnig room for example that way we can bring a little controled outside to the inside.

Talking again about textures, it is the main element in abstract art and also the theam but the good or bad an abstract art is to a naked eye is fundamentally about the texture. To illustrate art has to put the more posible 3D in a 2d so it can also create the ART and not just a cover up of the fabric.

This is anoter fact that related arts and scupture to architecture and one more reason they had been always related.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Architecture art and sculptures are essential to the nature of the human. This topics are necessary in the environment of people, this are the priceless patrimony of a community, where the people itself is reflected.

Architecture works out spaces, forms in which people develop, it is the art where we can see the nature of the people, the indirect influence experienced in history.
A city or a country without a architecture may be a society which has not found its identity. Construction as a utility building is not at all architecture, architecture is defined by the social movements, by the economic reality, by the history, by the region, by the place, climate and by the deep nature of the society.

Art is expression in a whole different sublime language.The colours the textures the detail tells a story in one marked fabric. It reflects directly the stages where the society is going trough.

Sculpture tells about the place the materials, the personal and abstract reality of certain circumstance or object.

Art and sculpture as i told are languages to define certain circumstances under the nature of the society, and here is where they both have to join to make one whole art that is architecture by its own. As it is defined by all the things above, architecture has a social nature and has to find a different language every time depending of the site and society, has to find an art and has to be an sculpture to express realism.